One of the hardest things with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
iPad USB Camera Adaptor Works for other Accessories

Back to School: AT Integration Projects using Wii, Language Arts, Open Source Tools and AAC Curricular Designs
Summer is drawing to a close. Classrooms are being set up for students to return and so it is time for me to return as well. I have purposely turned my attention to family and summer chores on our mountain in Oregon over the past 2 months. Although AT is a passion and something I live, eat, breathe and sleep during the school year, I have let it sit on the back burner over the summer. I don't know about you, but I have needed the break to let my batteries restore and recharge for new inspiration and a new year.
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This week I have started getting calls and emails, "We need a training before teachers return. Contact me." So I guess the time is approaching to kick into gear and drive off the mountain and get working on new projects, pick up old ones and get back to the students who have been home doing things with family over the summer like showing bunnies at the fair, swimming, speech camp, etc, I guess it will be a transition for them too!
My Back to School Integration List for Assistive Technology and Learning:
Wii therapy/XBox Kinect - continuing our pilot and working with some new schools to trial as well support schools that purchased systems for start up this year. We use these to enhance OT goals and also to enhance peer play and social/communication goals. We have an autism specialist that we turned loose with a Kinect and XBox this summer to develop some strategies for autism social and communication goals - can't wait to see what she has come up with.
Common Core Language Arts Standards alignment with strategies using AT, E-Readers and iPad apps, etc. I taught a summer class (OK I wasn't off all summer) on cross-referencing Core Standards in ELA with open source computer apps that will assist in student succcess for that standard. I want to develop it more this year.
TBI and AT: Technology that supports learning for students after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Free Open Source Tools on all our school computers for student accommodation - now a reality but in need of a lot of training and reinforcement. Tools include DSpeech, XMind, Hott Notes, and tools like Vubar, Sonar Cursor Ring and Orato. You can see a list of links and descriptions at the Access Apps Site.
AAC devices with boards/pages designed for curriculum and in-class learning not just communication. I have helped our SLP's develop some exciting boards for science as well as life skills and community topics. These have been on Dynavox and PRC devices.
iPad/iPod Touch apps searches for AAC, AT and student accommodation and learning - there is always something new.
I am excited to see what we come up with this year. I am always striving to learn new things and develop cutting edge strategies in my service to students and staff . If you are returning to a school district or regional service organization after a summer break, I wish you a great fall full of great opportunities to make a difference in a child's life.
All the best!

Assessment Apps by Vicki Windman
This is a great list put together by Vicki Mindman, a gust blogger over at Tech Learning. Tech&Learning is a great site for educational resources, discussions and product reviews all around the idea of integrating technology in the classroom. Be sure to sign up for their Tech Learning Digital Magazine - it has articles, profiles and how to material as well as information on the latest tech developments in education.
Assessment Apps by Vicki Windman
As administrators and educators, we need to find ways to assess staff and students. If you work with special-needs students, part of the process is documenting goals that are measureable. We now have apps that can assist us with tracking students' progress.
There are quite a few free observation and data apps but you must commit to their software to sync your data. Examples include: Ecove, Stride walkthrough, RANDA, Observation 360,OASYS.
There are quite a few free observation and data apps but you must commit to their software to sync your data. Examples include: Ecove, Stride walkthrough, RANDA, Observation 360,OASYS.
IEP checklist Free - A great tool to have at your fingertips when you need to track IEP goals for your students. It allows you to input relevant data so you can keep track of your student’s goals. Additionally, it now allows you to record individual notes while tracking student progress.
Percentally $2.99- Many of the IEP goals are looking for percentage benchmarks for an assigned goal. This app allows you to customize the goal for each student and mark progress using percentage. You can export your information to Google Docs so you have a back up record.
GoDocs $4.99 - Allows you to sync with your Google Docs, even if you have more than one account. It also allows you to edit on the iPad.
K12 timed Reading $1.99 - Fluency app. It allows more than one student levels K-4th grade. improving fluency allows readers to read smoothly and quickly so they can focus on comprehension rather than on decoding words.
Super Duper Data Tracker $1.99 - Organize your students into groups. Then enter your student’s names and their goals. Track incorrect and correct responses discreetly and efficiently.
Behavioral Tracker Pro 29.99 - Tracks behaviors and automatically graphs them. Supports unlimited number of children and observers!
Teacher Assistant Pro $3.99 - Keeps track of student actions, behavior, infractions, and achievements in the classroom.
SMART Response VE - Will be available shortly. If you use the Smart Board, this tool will allow you gain immediate insight into student understanding.
PAR Assessment Toolkit Free - Provides assistance to psychologists, mental health workers, and anyone else who administers standardized assessments. The scoring modules allow for conversion from raw scores to T scores for our most popular assessments.
Google doc teacher evaluation template- Add this to your Go Docs as a template to evaluate teachers.
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