My Reading Chair
I have been thinking about a way to utilize the odiogo text to speech tool for reading. Yesterday I thought, "Why not put public domain and personal writing for kids with illustrations on a blog and use odiogo to read the text?" So I built a new blog and put a nursery rhyme on it. I will set up categories for different reading levels here. I would like to build an archive so there will be lots of reading material for kids down the road.
How I would recommend using this blog:
- Pick a readability level for your child.
- Have the child work on sounding out words and trying the passage.
- Click on the Odiogo button to have it read to the child.
- Subscribe to the RSS feed at the bottom (the Atom link) and receive daily texts to read in your google webpage or Outlook feeds folder.
I hope this will be another resource to not only provide some reading support for kids with disabilities and remedial issues, but also fun for parents to use as a resource for safe content for kids.
All the Best to You!