Bike First also has 2, 5 day bike camps where the team works with children that have significant disabilities. This year's camps are full, but if you want to get on the early notification email list for the 2009 program, you can access that on their website. The life lessons these children gain and the confidence it instills by going through the program has been wonderful.
My guest tomorrow, Tuesday June 24th at 10:30 a.m. Pacific, Ellen Witham, is an active member of this group and will be sharing a little on the program as well as her experiences with AAC and developing communication with her son who is now almost 10 years old. You can hear Ellen's interview on Blog Talk Radio at the No Limits 2 Learning Live show or listen to the archive on the player on this blog's sidebar.
Also, the deadline to submit a post to our AT Blog Carnival is coming up this Friday. You can email your submission to:
All the best to you!