I haven't made that trip yet (not that I wouldn't like to), but recently touched base with them about some used AT equipment. I mentioned that they might enjoy sharing about their program, what they do and what needs they have.
Talk Radio Segment Coming Tomorrow, July 26 at 10 a.m. Pacific:
I got an email yesterday from Greg saying they were home in Eugene, Oregon until August 1 and they wanted to try and connect. We have set up a Blog Talk Radio Segment for tomorrow morning, Saturday at 10 a.m. Pacific. Listen in on the live feed and call in if you have a question. Go to my No Limits 2 Learning Live show page to read more on the segment and listen to the live show tomorrow morning. The archive will be available afterwards there as well as on my sidebar player.
Assistive Technology Blog Carnival Submissions
You can still send me a blog post link for the July edition. Deadline is tonight. Send it to me at lonthornburg@nolimits2learning.com
All the best to you!