I had Kristin Whitfield from Dynavox as a guest yesterday on No Limits 2 Learning Live (see archive). During our conversation, we discussed some topics that raised some questions for me:
When do we introduce AAC to early learners with significant impairments in communication?
Do children REALLY need to have certain prerequisite skills before an AAC device is introduced?
How does research support the answers to these questions?
How do we move into getting AAC in the hands of toddlers and early learners as quickly as possible?
These questions and more were addressed in our interview and it spurred me on to some further research that I uncovered and am sharing the rest of this week on my blog. I hope you will check back daily as I piece together some sites, research, and further probes into these questions.
I have put together a pdf file of notes and links from Kristin's interview, that is available for you free here.
All the best to you!
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