Wii Therapy: Using the Wii and Wii Fit in Special Education

Yes, you heard me...Wii therapy.

Maybe you have already discovered it and I am slow to figure it out. I received a call from one of our directors telling me that there were two Wii's from a residential program that closed. "Do you think you could use them in some way with students for therapy?"
"Sure," I said, "I bet we can find some occupational therapy uses for them."
In my online search for some uses for the Wii in education and therapy, I found a blog, WiiHab - by the "Wii OT". In this blog it mentions how the Wii Sports and Wii Fit board can work to address coordination, bilateral integration, crossing the midline, motor planning and visual motor integration.
Another Blog, "All Together We Can," by Samuel Sennott, shares some great Wii resources. One is on how to use a Wii remote to build an interactive white board. Another is on adapting a Wii for access.

I am beginning to gear up and see how I can use this to work with students through our OT's. We will have two in our equipment center to check out now and use for therapy. I am excited about the potential.

If you have any resources or experiences to share, please comment or email me to let us know.

All the best to you!
